Auto | Car Accident Lawyers | USA Lawyers

Car Accident Lawyers: Go no farther than GJEL Car Accident Attorneys if you’re looking for a car accident lawyer in your area of California. Our renowned attorneys are available to assist, having successfully recovered over $950 million for harmed plaintiffs in the past. To talk about your choices, schedule a free case evaluation right now.

In relation to auto accident lawsuits, we have assisted clients in obtaining over $950 million in compensation.

Best Lawyers and US News & World Report have ranked us as one of the best auto accident law firms for 2023 and 2024. | USA Lawyers |

In California, we handle auto accident cases with a success rate of over 99%.

Request Free Case Evaluation from Our Auto Accident Attorneys:

Car Accident Lawyers: Review your case with one of our best attorneys for car accidents.

At GJEL, we can make sure you get the right medical care, help you get the most out of your case, and hold people who have done you wrong accountable.

Here is just one of our several verdicts and settlements involving auto accidents.

At GJEL, we relieve you of this burden by assisting you in maximizing the value of your case, receiving the necessary medical care, and holding wrongdoers accountable.

You won’t have to give us any money until we prevail in your case.

Following a car accident can be very stressful. Following an injury in a car accident, a lot happens: medical expenses, lost income, physical and mental suffering.

GJEL’s California car accident lawyers are available to support you during this trying time.

Have a great deal of expertise litigating auto accidents. The GJEL lawyers will:

assist you in receiving appropriate medical care

Evaluate your mishap

Analyze medical records to determine injuries

Compute your losses.

Assist in optimizing the settlement you receive

Our accident lawyers are available to help you understand your legal choices, offer advice on the best course of action, and try our best to reduce any stress you may be experiencing in the wake of your accident.

After Automobile Accident, Don’t Wait to Contact GJEL:

After a vehicle accident, handling the aftermath can be quite difficult. It is crucial to act quickly, therefore getting in touch with an auto accident lawyer or attorney nearby should be your top priority.

Preserving Evidence: Following an automobile collision, important evidence may vanish rapidly. It may be difficult to locate important witnesses, skid marks may fade, and memories may become fuzzy. We know how important it is to gather evidence as soon as possible in order to present a compelling case, which is why we are your go-to car accident lawyer near me.

Handling Insurance Agreements: Insurance companies frequently want to pay out as little as possible. They can attempt to downplay your claim or even hold you accountable for the mishap. You can have an advocate to fight for your rights and negotiate on your side by getting in touch with the top automobile accident attorney in your area.

Payment for Medical Expenses: From initial treatments to continuing care, injuries sustained in a car accident can result in significant medical bills. You can obtain reimbursement for these costs as well as future expenditures with the assistance of an accomplished personal injury attorney.

Advice for Filing a Personal Injury Claim: Bringing a personal injury claim can be a difficult procedure. Our group of personal injury attorneys will walk you through every stage, making sure that all documentation is completed accurately and that all deadlines are reached.

Legal Counsel and Assistance: Following an injury, you may feel disoriented and unaware of your legal rights. A local personal injury lawyer can offer crucial legal counsel as well as emotional assistance during this trying time.

At GJEL Accident Attorneys, we take great satisfaction in offering our clients outstanding service. Our group of knowledgeable personal injury attorneys is dedicated to fighting for the money you are due. We are aware of the effects that injuries sustained in a vehicle accident can have on your life, and we will work to meet your requirements today and in the future.

We Are A Car Accident Injury Law Firm That Has Won Awards: Auto | Car Accident Lawyers |

Best Lawyers has ranked GJEL Accident Attorneys as one of the best injury law firms for 2021 and 2022. Additionally, we have a 99% success rate in recovering over $950 million for victims of auto accidents.

Our California car accident attorneys have the skills and background needed to successfully represent you in court. Car Accident Lawyers

After Your Automobile Accident, Should You Speak with an Attorney?

A large percentage of injury and wrongful death cases in California are related to motor vehicle accidents.

Even while many incidents have similar features, every one has particulars of its own and should be thoroughly researched in order to guarantee a full financial recovery.

It’s possible that minor incidents won’t require legal representation. Consultations are always free, even if it turns out you don’t need to hire a car accident attorney. Use our contact form or give us a call to inquire if you’re unsure.

WAYS WE CAN ASSIST? Auto | Car Accident Lawyers |

We are available to address your inquiries. We’ll let you know if we believe you should speak with a car accident lawyer. We’ll also let you know if we don’t believe you need legal representation. You’ll have all the knowledge necessary to decide for yourself in either case.

In the event that you choose to retain our services, there won’t be any up-front costs or payments needed in advance. You owe us nothing if you make no progress. We operate on a contingency fee basis and are here to get you the best .

When it comes to processing vehicle accident situations, we have unmatched knowledge?

Our auto accident attorneys have a success rate of more than 99% and have won thousands of cases involving auto injuries.

We regularly receive referrals from other companies for their large and difficult matters because of our reputation for expertise throughout the state of California.

Here are two instances of recent auto accident settlements that we have successfully contested on behalf of our clients:


While traveling on I-80, a big pickup truck rear-ended a couple. The 52-year-old woman perished in the mishap. The defendant said that the woman’s husband, who was operating the vehicle at the time of the collision, bore a significant portion of the blame since he was changing lanes when the rear-end collision occurred.

All of the witnesses who could be reached, including the California Highway Patrol officers in charge of the accident’s investigation, were questioned by Jim Larsen and the auto accident lawyers at GJEL.

$6,500,000 FINAL JUDGMENT: Auto | Car Accident Lawyers |

After a rollover accident involving a 16-year-old and a dirt mound that a Hayward construction company had unintentionally placed in the center of the road, the 16-year-old sustained lasting injuries.

In the subsequent case, GJEL’s Luke Ellis defended Andrews’ stepparents, seeking damages and medical costs for their stepson’s irreversible disabilities.

The Most Frequently Occurring Serious Auto Accident Types:

Our auto accident attorney practice handles a range of cases. Serious injuries are frequently sustained by the participants in a number of frequent accident types.

These are a few of the most common cases we handle.


An automobile rear-end collision happens when a driver strikes the car in front of them. Depending on the precise conditions of the incident and the speed at which the vehicles were traveling, these kinds of collisions can range in severity from quite minor to catastrophic.

When two cars rear-end each other, the driver of the first vehicle is usually at blame. These crashes frequently happen as a result of a driver following too closely or failing to pay attention.

T-BONE Mishaps:

A “T-bone,” often referred to as a side-impact collision, happens when the front or back of another vehicle strikes the side of an automobile. Both sides may sustain serious injuries in these broadside crashes.


When two cars collide side by side, usually while they are both moving in the same direction, it is called a sideswipe accident. Drivers changing lanes without checking their blind area and parked cars reentering traffic without first making sure the lane is clear are common causes of sideswipe incidents.

Sideswipe crashes may only cause minor cosmetic damage at low speeds, but at high speeds, serious injuries are sometimes sustained. | Car Accident Lawyers|

DIRECTIONAL COLLISIONS: Auto | Car Accident Lawyers |

When two cars traveling in opposing directions strike head-on, it results in a head-on collision. Head-on collisions can cause fatalities or serious injuries even at low speeds.

A SINGLE CRASH OF A VEHICLE: Auto | Car Accident Lawyers |

One car is involved in a single vehicle accident, which can happen when it veers off the highway or collides with a stationary object. These collisions may be caused by outside variables like hazardous road conditions or bad weather, or they may be the consequence of driving error brought on by elements like alcohol or exhaustion.

California Automobile Accident Statistics:

In the US, alcohol is a factor in 29% of all road fatalities (2015)

In 2015, 4,382 drivers in California were involved in fatal accidents.

955 deadly accidents in California happened when the driver was speeding, and 914 fatal accidents happened when the driver was drunk.

Common Car | Accident Injuries:


Information | Compile Following a Vehicle Accident:

Nobody gets in their car with the intention of getting into an accident. Nevertheless, there are car accidents every day in the state of California. People in auto accidents frequently suffer lifelong significant injuries that will impact them. Even in less severe collisions, victims can endure excruciating agony and thousands of dollars’ worth of property damage to their cars. Thankfully, victims of car accidents brought on by the carelessness of others can frequently file a California personal injury claim to get paid for their losses. | Car Accident Lawyers|

Ask other driver or drivers involved in the collision for information.

  • the other drivers’ names who were involved in the collision;
  • numbers on driver’s licenses;
  • the other vehicles’ vehicle identification numbers (VINs);
  • the other drivers’ addresses and phone numbers;
  • Details about the insurance firm and the policy.

Capture Images of the Accident Scene and Its Aftereffects:

Your car; The car of the other driver;

Any obvious injuries you may have..

Any road hazards you feel may have caused or contributed to your accident;

Damage to guardrails or other items; tire stains;

The basic design of the road where your collision happened.


It is advisable to retain the services of a vehicle accident lawyer as soon as possible, preferably before the insurance company closes the settlement. But it’s also a good idea to obtain one as soon as you sustain an injury. | Car Accident Lawyers |


All fifty states prohibit it, with the exception of New Hampshire. In this state, auto insurance is not required. Should you cause an accident without having auto insurance, you will have to prove you have enough money to fulfill the state’s standards for financial responsibility.


You ought to receive the necessary financial, medical, psychological, and other support following an accident. You will have access to all available legal options and legal knowledge when you have an attorney on your side to look out for your best interests.

Car Accident Statistics for California:| Car Accident Lawyers |

3,606 road fatalities occurred in California in 2019, a 5.1% decrease from 1.06 the year before. With 1,066 alcohol-impaired driving deaths in 2019, the number of crashes involving a motorist or motorcycle rider with a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or more was 4.5% lower than the previous year. Of the drivers who were tested after being killed in auto accidents, 50% tested positive for either illegal or legal substances, an increase of 8% over the year before. 2019 saw a 9.4% decline in motorcycle fatalities, totaling 474 deaths, and an 18% decrease in motorcyclist deaths due to helmet wear lessness, totaling 28 deaths. Forbes in 2023 has acknowledged GJEL Accident Attorneys, the highly regarded California auto accident attorney firm, for their outstanding legal knowledge.

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