Offshore Accident Lawyers in Houston, TX-keywordslists

Offshore Accident Lawyers in Houston, TX-keywordslists

If you or a family member has suffered injuries while working as a dock worker, seaman, or employee of the oil and gas business, it is crucial to choose the best offshore accident attorney. These are risky and extremely challenging tasks. You rely on your employer and other responsible parties to set up safety procedures and make sure they are followed. Unfortunately, far too many companies do not offer sufficient worker protection. The lawyers at Waldman Legal Group will pinpoint any negligence that resulted in your harm. We’ll fight to make sure you receive the funds you need to cover your basic needs and go on with your life.

What Reparations Can I Get for My Maritime Worker Injuries?

Our mission as your offshore injury attorney is to see that the guilty party is brought to justice. We will see to it that you get the funds you require in order to pay your expenses and heal from your ailments. There are two primary types of damages to which you can be entitled: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages are easy to understand. They might consist of:

  • Funds for medical expenditures, such as hospital bills, copays for prescription drugs, fees for treatment and rehabilitation, and equipment and mobility aids
  • Cash for anticipated future medical costs
  • Earnings that you lose while recovering
  • Rehabilitation in the workplace
  • loss of earning potential, should your injuries have a long-term or permanent effect on your ability to work.

Of course, not all losses are obvious or simple to comprehend. The goal of non-economic damages is to compensate you for your reduced level of anxiety, mental anguish, and quality of life.

Punitive damages may be entitled to you in certain situations involving excessive carelessness. These are intended to penalize the claimant.

Should the Jones Act (described below) deem you to be a sailor, you could be entitled to benefits known as “maintenance” and “cure.” While the worker heals, maintenance pays for their lodging and board. The amount needed to cover the wounded seaman’s medical bills and travel expenditures in order to receive treatment is known as the cure. Benefits for maintenance and treatment stop when the sailor achieves “maximum medical improvement.” Even if they are not completely healed, a person who has had maximum medical improvement is as wholesome as they’re going to get.

What Is the Jones Act, and Does It Apply to My Incident?

Offshore Accident Lawyers in Houston, TX-keywordslists:

The Jones Act is also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. A federal legislation provides certain protections for seafarers. If they are hurt at work as a result of their employer’s carelessness, they have the right to sue them.

·         You could be regarded as a seaman if you operate aboard a boat or other vessel “in navigation” for the majority of the time.

·         You could fit the description of a “seaman” if you work aboard a vessel as a chef, fisherman, deckhand, engineer, driller, mechanic, captain, mate, or in another capacity.

·         Even if the law defines you as a “seaman,” you are not entitled to workers’ compensation. You have to use the Jones Act to get compensation for your injuries.

·         Employers of sailors are obligated by the Jones Act to keep the vessel in a fairly safe state and to offer a work environment that is reasonably safe.

·         Employers are nonetheless responsible under the Jones Act even if the injured worker had some involvement in the accident.

·         Employers may be held accountable for a variety of hazardous situations, such as mismaintained or broken equipment, oil or grease on the deck, inadequate training, inadequate equipment, coworker negligence, coworker assault, insufficient staffing, and a failure to warn of known hazards.

·         Typically, you have three years from the date of the accident to bring your Jones Act lawsuit. (***Note: To learn about the statute of limitations and any other deadlines that may be relevant to your claim(s), always consult an attorney immediately.

There are rules in force that could be relevant to you even if the Jones Act does not qualify you as a sailor. These include the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. The Death on the High Seas Act can be applicable if a loved one perished in a maritime catastrophe.

severe harm to the head. severe damage to the back. Burns. limb loss. Maritime worker injuries may be catastrophic, expensive, and alter a person’s life. Should you or a loved one have injuries at work, legal counsel is necessary to help you navigate the intricate legal system. You can seek compensation for your losses through the appropriate channels, which an attorney can assist you identify. Don’t attempt this by yourself.

How Much Is My Offshore Accident Case Wealth?

Without meeting with you and thoroughly investigating your case, it is difficult for us to estimate the precise value of your case. Even yet, prior successes do not guarantee or predict future results. There are several factors that influence the potential amount of money you might receive:

Your pre-accident pay

·         Your other costs and medical bills

·         Your anticipated future medical costs

·         When and if you’ll be allowed to go back to work

·         Your losses that are not economic

·         Which compensation route—workers’ compensation or the Jones Act—will you take?

The Waldman Legal Group’s lawyers are eager to have a detailed conversation with you about your situation. We provide free initial consultations and only get paid if you do.

Why Do I Necessity an Offshore Injury Lawyer?

A representative from your employer or their insurance provider may contact you with a financial offer if you have experienced an offshore injury. You could be having trouble getting well and worried about home and medical expenses during this trying period. It could be tempting to accept this initial payment. Though it could be beneficial in the short term, you are forfeiting the ability to act in the future. It’s possible that some of your injuries will not be covered by insurance.

The statutes pertaining to these kinds of lawsuits are only understood by an offshore accident attorney. The Waldman Legal Group’s attorneys has the expertise required to pinpoint all accountable parties and determine the whole extent of your damages.

It may not always be easy to ascertain which rules protect offshore platform workers who are wounded. The legislation or laws that may impact a claim depend on the platform’s location and kind, whether it is mobile or permanent.

Injuries are prevalent on offshore platforms due to hazardous working conditions and the large, cumbersome equipment and gear required. However, figuring out who is liable might be difficult. The injuries could result from the carelessness of an employer, a contractor, workers for other contractors, or even the producers of the defective equipment.

Many often, hurt offshore workers are unaware of the procedures they must take to safeguard their legal rights. We recognize that the most important thing during these times is still getting food on the table.  However, wounded offshore workers can end up underpaying themselves and their family if they don’t have legal representation.

How  Our Team Assistances Injured Offshore Workers

Our goal at the Waldman Legal Group is to stand up for injured offshore workers and their families. We provide consolation and wise counsel throughout this trying period. When submitting these kinds of claims, there are deadlines that must be followed. As a result, you need to consult with one of our office’s offshore accident attorneys as soon as possible following the incident.

What Should I Do  After My Offshore Accident?

Offshore Accident Lawyers in Houston, TX-keywordslists:

After a serious workplace accident, you can be in agony, anxious about your finances and future, and simply not be able to think straight. However, it’s crucial to pay attention to what you do and don’t do in the moments following your mishap. It may seriously affect your capacity to pursue damages for your injuries.

1.    Please get medical help. Regardless of your location or perceived severity of damage, it’s critical that you get medical assistance as soon as possible following your accident. First and foremost, you ought to put your health and well-being first. Medical practitioners are able to do tests for conditions that might not be evident right away. Also, when we submit a claim, we need to have a comprehensive record of your medical issues and costs. Therefore, as soon as you can, either call your personal physician or visit an emergency room.

2.    Please do notify your employer of your injuries right away. It is imperative that they are informed about the accident immediately. This allows them to address any safety concerns and safeguard other employees. It also forms a crucial component of your claim’s documentation. It is not advisable to rely on colleagues to notify you about your injuries. Do it yourself if at all feasible. Better still, put all of the details of the collision and your injuries in writing. Give your employer one copy, and retain one copy for yourself.

3.    Try your hardest to record the mishap. Make a note of everyone who may have witnessed. Obtain their contact details. Take pictures of the accident scene, any pertinent equipment, and any safety issues.

4.    Consult a lawyer. You can get advice from a lawyer with experience in these kinds of issues regarding what to do and what not to do. They will assist you in comprehending the intricate statute or laws that can be relevant to your claim.

5.    Keep your lawyer alone while discussing your case. Naturally, you have to notify your employer of your injury. However, telling coworkers or other people about your ailments might backfire severely. In the event that you subsequently sue your company, even the most casual remark might be used against you in court.

6.    Never sign anything that your employer gives you. Refuse to take money from them or their insurer. If you do this, you can give up your rights or accept a lowball settlement offer that is far less than what you are due. Consult a lawyer first, always.

My Precious One Was Killed in an Offshore Accident. Can You Help?

Sadly, while working in these demanding and hazardous conditions, offshore workers all too frequently pay the ultimate price: their lives. Their families are left in a condition of financial ruin, emotional devastation, and disbelief. Spouses, parents, and children of the worker may bring a claim for compensation under the Jones Act if it is shown that their loved one’s death was caused by carelessness. They might get payment for any losses, such as:

·         The amount of their loved one’s accident-related pre-death medical bills

·         Payment for the anguish their loved one went through before passing away

·         Payment for burial and funeral expenses

·         compensation for income lost as a result of the death of a family member

·         Recompense for the services their family member would have rendered over their whole life, as well as the financial assistance they would have gotten throughout the course of their loved one’s anticipated existence.

In some situations, family members may be eligible for compensation under various maritime statutes or the Death on the High Seas Act.

Declare with an Offshore Accident Lawyer at the Waldman Legal Group

The lawyers at Waldman Legal Group provide sympathetic assistance if you or a loved one has suffered injuries in an offshore disaster and you believe the employer should be held accountable. We’ll fight to get you the compensation for your injuries that you are due. We know how to apply maritime law to your situation. We will carefully examine your claim to make sure we don’t overlook any financial support that you require for your recuperation. We work hard to safeguard your rights via negotiation, but if necessary, we won’t back down from a legal battle. First consultations are always free, and we only get paid if you do. Nothing is at stake for you.







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